Our 5th graders participated in Math is Cool online champ competition on March 15th. Below are the top 8 of 5th grade high scores at the individual sessions of our school:
Diya Karthik
Shuwen Yang
Vaibhav Asvin
Ella Ragoler
Anya Parson
Siddhan Saxena
Satvik Singh
Madhura Venkatesh
Congratulations to all of the participants! You all did a great job!
The school coach also wants to apologize that she mistakenly constructed the online competition as joining from home and wasn't aware of the rule change which requires competing online from school this year, which resulted in disqualification of our 5th grade result this year and the 5th grade team lost the chance to go to the master round. Hope you can please accept her apology and best wishes to all of our great students to continue to grow their math skills!