'Shine Brighter Together'
Time To Decide...
Whose Art Will Be On The Yearbook Cover?!!!
Who: All Smith students
What: Vote for your favorite yearbook cover art
Where: Voting table in front of the big bulletin board
How: Instructions at the voting table 
When: Dec. 1-8 (Or tonight, before Winter Wonderland!)
The entry deadline has passed and Smith students have submitted 50 different covers for the 2017-18 yearbook cover art contest.  Each cover is the artist's interpretation of how they can 'Shine Brighter Together'.  The yearbook committee has narrowed the field down to the top 10 finalists. Students will vote on the winner!
Please stop by the large bulletin board to vote for your favorite Yearbook Cover. 
(Be among the first to vote by stopping by before Winter Wonderland tonight!)
Voting is open from December 1-8. Just 1 week to vote! 
Thank you!  
Questions please contact yearbook@smithptsa.org